FlowChef steers the trajectory of Rectified Flow Models during inference to
tackle linear inverse problems, image editing,
and classifier guidance.
Diffusion models (DMs) excel in photorealism, image editing, and solving inverse problems, aided by
classifier-free guidance and image inversion techniques.
However, rectified flow models (RFMs) remain underexplored for these tasks.
Existing DM-based methods often require additional training, lack generalization to pretrained latent
models, underperform, and demand significant computational resources due to extensive backpropagation
through ODE solvers and inversion processes.
In this work, we first develop a theoretical and empirical understanding of the vector field dynamics of
RFMs in efficiently guiding the denoising trajectory.
Our findings reveal that we can navigate the vector field in a deterministic and gradient-free manner.
Utilizing this property, we propose FlowChef, which leverages the
vector field to solve controlled image
generation tasks by jumping between nearby trajectories until convergence, facilitated by gradient
FlowChef is a unified framework for controlled image generation
that, for the first time, simultaneously
addresses classifier guidance, linear inverse problems, and image editing without the need for extra
training, inversion, or intensive backpropagation.
Finally, we perform extensive evaluations and show that FlowChef
significantly outperforms baselines in
terms of performance, memory, and time requirements, achieving new state-of-the-art results.
A short intro to the method.
Inversion-free Image Editing
Latent Inverse Problems
title={Steering Rectified Flow Models in the Vector Field for Controlled Image Generation},
author={Patel, Maitreya and Wen, Song and Metaxas, Dimitris N. and Yang, Yezhou},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.00100},